Therapy Sessions

  • Format: in-person (Los Angeles area only) or telehealth via video (Massachusetts or California)

  • Presenting concerns: academic stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, substance use, ADHD, relationship difficulties, perfectionism, phobias

  • Payment out-of-pocket: My hourly rate is $267. Reduced need-based rates are assessed on a sliding scale based on documentation (e.g., college financial aid)

  • Insurance: I am “in-network” for Aetna. I can also provide what is called a “superbill” for you to submit to insurance plans that reimburse for out-of-network licensed psychologists.

During sessions

All therapy sessions are with Dr. Leslie Rith-Najarian. My approach to therapy is…

  • collaborative and goal-oriented. I work together with each client to identify their primary concerns and focus their goals for making changes in their life. Then, over the course of therapy we monitor progress towards reduced symptoms and distress.

  • evidence- and skills-based. I have expertise in researching, teaching, and delivering evidence-based treatments for a range of psychological diagnoses. Considering each client’s symptoms, I explain the most effective mental health skills and therapy approaches according to the recent science.

  • strengths-based and values-driven. Living a full life is more than just reducing symptoms. It’s also about increasing positive experiences. I use therapy sessions with clients to identify their unique strengths and explore their personal values. Then we make a plan together about how to spend more time in activities that engage those strengths and values.

  • trauma-informed. Unaddressed traumatic experiences can manifest in psychological symptoms and behaviors. I sit with clients as they share their stories and encourage them to open up at a pace that feels respectful and safe. By better understanding how current habits and patterns are driven by past traumas, I empower clients to move forward in more adaptive ways.

  • inclusive and accessible. I believe that mental health services should be for everyone. I don’t just work with clients from diverse backgrounds, I actively integrate their individual identities and culture into our conversations. I aim to reduce barriers by offering services at convenient times for student schedules and convenient locations off-campus and online.

  • non-judgmental and fun. Mental health is a serious matter, but that doesn’t mean that therapy should always be. By responding in non-judgmental yet matter-of-fact ways, I hope clients can learn to think and speak in less critical ways. Also, there is so much humor and joy in life, and sometimes you just have to laugh.